Every Day for a Five Minute Friday

GypsyMama has served up another Five Minute Friday prompt! That’s right, five minutes of all out, no-holds-barred, bare-faced, passion-pouring, writing without critical thought. Link up with the logo.

Here goes…..Every Day

Every day can be an adventure, if you open yourself to it.

Every day is a promise to begin again.

Every day is fresh, with no mistakes in it (according to Anne Shirley of Green Gables fame).

Every day is a gift you can open only once (make sure you check under the tissue!).

Every day can be just any day or it can be something special, you decide!

Every day has new paths to explore, new mysteries to solve, new blessings to be bestowed.

Every day moves you forward, so long as you don’t hold yourself back.

Every day doesn’t have to be the same old drudgery, begin by saying “Thank you, God” and see where you go from there.

Now, it’s your turn! Click on the image link to add your post to the community.

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4 Responses to Every Day for a Five Minute Friday

  1. LeeBird says:

    I love what you said about each day being a chance to move forward IF we don’t hold ourselves back. I surely am guilty of that! Have a love “every day” today! 🙂

    • Grace Walker says:

      Thanks LeeBird! Sometimes my personal experience comes out to talk without me realizing it! Have a great day yourself!

  2. Emily Kate says:

    Love this positive reminder to seize the day!!!

  3. Amy says:

    And this is speaking truth! Every day I begin by thanking God for another day of life. And He hasn’t let me down yet. Thank you for sharing your thoughts today. I really enjoyed reading them. Smiles –

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